

Reflection on the First Quarter

I learn many new things on First Quarter. I discover lot of information about the First Quarter. I understand more about like a math subjects, learning, Exercise on PE time, and many more

I have some problems. Sometimes I can't answer a Subject Research on quiz because it's a identification and I can't understand the teacher saying because they are sometimes speaking ilocano because am a Tagalog not ilocano and I keep forgetting the lesson I reading. Things that are hard for me to understand. 

I try my best to address the challenges. I ask questions when I'm not sure. I explain what I can and can't do. I try to be helpful on my group projects even when am shy and if  the project is difficult.

Moving forward, I will keep learning and improving. I want to become better at good learning and understanding. I hope to be more useful and provide on group subjecs or some activities. I am nervous and not excited to see what the next quarter will bring.


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