Climate Change and Resiliency of Filipinos


Climate change had big issue for many Filipinos leading to progressive change in the environment affect lives an living conditions and destruction. One reasons for these changes be the increase in greenhouse gas emissions from human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation. These actions contribute to global warming which cause extreme weather events like typhoons, floods, an droughts in the Philippines, impacting the livelihoods of many people.

And another predominant reasons be the loss of destruction of natural habitats due to irresponsible development practices. When it comes destroy forests an coral reefs, disrupt the balance of ecosystems an make the environment more vulnerable to the effects of climate change. This can lead to food, water, and increased risk of natural disasters for many communities across the Philippines.

Additionally, poor urban planning an inadequate infrastructure can make communities more susceptible to the impacts of climate change. And a lack of proper drainage systems can result in flooding during heavy rains and informal settlements in hazard prone areas increase the risk of casualties during disasters. Building resilience to climate change require coordinated efforts at all levels these issues an protect the well being of all Filipinos.



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